In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, recreational centers in Podkrkonoší. Podkrkonoší is an area that could be delimited cities Dvůr Králove, Úpice, Trutnov and Hostinné. Podkrkonoší is characterized by rolling hills with magnificent forests with lots of animals, meadows and pastures. To the north is loosely based on Krkonoše, in the north you can see rock city in Adršpašské skály, East see Babičino údolí in Kladské pomezí and stretches to the west Český ráj and farther to the south lowland Polabí. There have met crowds of tourists, and is therefore ideal for Podkrkonoší quiet and relaxing stay where you can relax during walks in the countryside, drives a bicycle and collecting mushrooms, local forests are a paradise for mushroom pickers. An interesting trip is definitely well, except for the above listed areas, visit the zoo in Dvůr Králové.
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