In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in the Česká Kanada. Česká Kanada territory is generally called in Jindřichův Hradec between the cities of Nová Bystřice, Slavonice and Kunžak. Holidays in the Česká Kanada, they are pleasantly spent time in the beautiful and unspoilt countryside man full of deep forests. Stays here are ideal for all ages, tourists, sports minded visitors will use miles of marked bike trails and hiking trails. Routes vary in difficulty, thus you can even come to their seniors and families with children. He who in the summer holidays can not imagine not swimming, you may choose accommodation at ponds: Komorník at Kunžak, Osika and Velký Žišpašský pond at Nová Bystřice. In the Česká Kanada get their mushroom pickers come also, and all who like to pick berries, and fishermen.
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