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Záměl 92, Potštejn


U Liboháje 60, Polička


Oudoleň 104, Havlíčkova Borová


Nové Město 65, Světlá nad Sázavou

Lednicko - Valtický areál

In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in the Lednice-Valtice area. Lednice-Valtice is registered in the UNESCO World Heritage Site and stretches in South Moravia in the district of Břeclav. It is a beautiful natural park, in the 18th and 19th century created a family of Liechtenstein. The park was created around the castles of Lednice and Valtice and have it built monuments that visitors admire the Lednice-Valtice today. These include for example: Colonnade on Reistna, Chapel st. Hubert, Three Graces, minaret or Pohansko near city Břeclav. All sites are connected by hiking trails and bike paths. Accommodations for cyclists is located across the Lednice-Valtice area, where housing can be found in the villages of Lednice, Valtice, Hlohovec, Podivín, Rakvice or Přítluky. 

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