In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, recreation centers on Křivoklátsko. Křivoklátsko extends into region Středočeský kraj and a small part of the region Plzeňský kraj, between cities Beroun, Zbiroh and Rakovník. Křivoklátsko is characterized by deep mixed forests, which intertwines Berounka river. On their own here lovers of hiking and biking, mushroom pickers and gatherers of forest fruits, canoeists and fishermen. On a trip you can go to be castles Křivoklát, Krakovec, Džbán, and also on the edge Žebrák, Točník and lock Zbiroh. Berounka only slowly flowing Křivoklátsko and its quiet flow is ideal for novice paddlers and especially for families with children.
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