In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in the Bílé Karpaty. Bílé Karpaty Mountains are the westernmost part of the Carpathian mountain system located in the foothills and peaks of Velká Javořina 970 m and Velký Lopeník 911 m with tower. The most visited places are a bit beyond the borders of the Slovak Republic Lednice castle ruins and a castle Červený Kameň. Bílé Karpaty - they are especially deep forests, meadows and endless folk and craft traditions. In the Bílé Karpaty, where it interferes Slovácko, are the largest spa in South Moravia - Luhačovice. Spa stays in Luhačovice used by people with respiratory ailments, indigestion and obesity. There is also a holiday by the water reservoir Luhačovice, which is appreciated by lovers of water sports and especially fishermen.
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