In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in Beskydy. Beskydy echo in northeastern Moravia in the area known as Valašsko. Highest Mountains is mountain Lysá hora 1323 m. Accommodation in Beskydy is ideal for active recreation in the form of trips along marked mountain paths and walking trails. The largest and most visited tourist resorts for summer vacations and winter holidays - ski resorts in Beskydy are: Ski Resort in Bílá, Horní Bečva - in the summer of swimming and water sports in the dam, Pustevny - 6 km from the city Frenštát pod Radhoštěm at an altitude of 1018 m, Mosty u Jablunkova in the Slezské Beskydy district Frýdek-Místek, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm known open air museum in nature, Solaň - Velké Karlovice, Karolínka, Staré Hamry - Grún, Maple hill at the town of Třinec, where a beautiful view of the Beskydy Mountains and the Tatry, or Morávka.
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