In our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels, holiday resorts in Jeseníky. Jeseníky area is divided into Hrubý Jeseník and Nízký Jeseník. Hrubý Jeseník, mountains of northern Moravia and Silesia with the highest Praděd 1491 m, is the richest place snowfall in the CR, which is especially welcomed by lovers of winter sports and ski resorts - Ski resort Červenohorské saddle (between cities Šumperk and Jeseník) or mountain resort Malá Morávka - Karlov (one of the most popular ski resorts in Jeseníky). Nízký Jeseník lies in Bruntál, Nový Jičín, Olomouc, Opava, Ostrava and Přerov. Holidays in Jeseníky is ideal for families with children, athletes and active seniors. Popular places to visit as Sovinec Castle, Castle Raduň, zoo Svatý Kopeček in Olomouc, and more. To the west of Jeseník direction Orlické hory we find the National Nature Reserve Králický Sněžník near the town Králíky.
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