Blansko - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Blansko. City Blansko located in the region Jihomoravský kraj, 30 km north Moravian city of Brno, on the river Svitava. The city is called the gate of Moravský kras and Moravský kras is also a major tourist attraction, for which tourists flock to Blansko not only from the entire country. The city itself can offer tourists attractions, such as: Blanenská castle, where the Museum Blansko, Church St. Martin and Klamova works. For families with children and sports-minded visitors there is a water park, indoor spa, sports court and gym. There Blansko lead hiking trails and bicycle paths that will lead not only to the Moravský kras, but also the ruins Blansek, Čertův hrádek and Nový hrad. 


tř. Kpt. Jaroše 3, Boskovice


Doubravice 424, Doubravice nad Svitavou

S.M.K., a.s.

Skalní Mlýn 96, Blansko

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