Svitavy - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Svitavy. Svitavy city is located in eastern Bohemia in the region Pardubický kraj, 31 km south of the town of Ústí nad Orlicí, on Svitava river in the tourist area Českomoravské border. In Svitavy you can explore the historical center, which is an urban conservation area. You can view the sights, such as: House of Mouřenín, Langrova Villa, church St. Giles, Marian Column, Ottendorferův house or city walls. Everything you back to trail Českomoravské borderland, which is 12 km long and guide you around the city and its surroundings. The city is also a sports hall, volleyball courts, indoor pool, outdoor swimming pool - an active vacation in Svitavy. Rosička pond is ideal for swimming and recreation for fishermen and the water. In winter they are around Svitavy prepared cross-country trails.


náměstí T. G. Masaryka 31, Moravská Třebová

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