Velké Karlovice 660, Velké Karlovice
Region Zlínský kraj with the county town of Zlín is located in the eastern part of Moravia and neighboring regions: Jihomoravský kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Moravskoslezský kraj and has a border with Slovakia. It is part of Západní Karpaty and the bulk of it is hilly and mountainous, making it a paradise for lovers of mountain tourism. We can find the Bílé Karpaty with the highest mountain Velká Javořina 970 m, Javorníky, Chřiby, Hostýnské hills and Beskydy with the famous mountain resorts Pustevny, Horní Bečva, Soláň, Velké Karlovice. West and Southwest region lies in the famous tourist Kroměřížsko and Slovácko.
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