Jindřichův Hradec - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Jindřichův Hradec. The town Jindřichův Hradec lies in region Jihočeský kraj, 54 km east of the České Budějovice and 47 km southeast of the town Tábor, on the river Nežárka. Holidays on Jindřichohradecko in South Bohemia is popular among all age categories. On his lovers biking and hiking in the beautiful countryside as well as admirers of monuments. In Jindřichův Hradec there are many, eg: Castle Jindřichův Hradec, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel, Mary Magdalene's church, Minorite John the Baptist Monastery, Church of the Holy Trinity, Church St. James with Černín tomb, the Museum of Jindřichohradecko or town houses in the city center. Most of the district is located in southern Bohemia, is certainly an interesting trip to the town of Třeboň. The eastern part around the town Dačice and village Kunžak, Studená, Strmilov and Zahrádky are already in Moravia. Summer vacation in Jindřichův Hradec is associated with stays in the water, like a pond Vajgar. The popular is also water park, where is the beach volleyball pit and Jindřišská towards to Kunžak.
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