Most - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Most. Most city is located in the region Ústecký kraj between the cities of Teplice and Chomutov. Most history of completely influenced by coal mining, which have been late 19th century found. Especially in times of communism, the historic city was completely destroyed and the surrounding countryside devastated mining. The only monuments is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, who was rescued in 1975 and transferred, and the castle Hněvín above the town. The city, however, tries from this bad situation to make the most of tourism. Favorites and getting Coal safari, where you will be guided by the coal mines, you can see excavators, belt conveyors and loaders. Adrenaline raises you ride off-road car down the slopes of ČSA. The reservoir Benedict was created by holiday resort for swimming families with children and sports facilities for ball games. Most there are also Aquadrom, Motor-racing circuit and the Hippodrome.
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