Pardubice - in our catalog you can choose your accommodation, guest houses, hotels in Pardubice. Pardubice is the capital city of the region Pardubický kraj, lies at the confluence of Chrudimka and Labe, 11 km north of Chrudim and 58 km west from the town of Ústí nad Orlicí and interferes with the tourist area Polabí. Accommodation in Pardubice is the cultural and social experience. The city is located four theater - Východočeské Theater, Theatre Exile, Theatre 29 and Puppet Theatre Radost DK Dukla, Východočeská Gallery, Východočeské Museum and Chamber Philharmonic Pardubice. There is also an observatory of baron Arthur Kraus, which serve to popularize astronomy. The sights can be seen as: Old Town, which is a conservation area, Pardubice castle, Kamenná villa, Werner House, Winternitz mills, Pardubice synagogue or Church St. Bartholomew. Attractive are also cruise ships sailing Labe. For cyclists is in the vicinity of Pardubice cycling routes.
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