Region Olomoucký kraj of the regional city of Olomouc is located in the Central Moravia and in the territory Slezsko - Jeseník district. It borders with the regions: Moravskoslezský kraj, Zlínský kraj, Jihomoravský kraj and the Pardubický kraj, in the north to the border with Poland. In the region Olomoucký kraj see Hrubý Jeseník mountains and Oderské hills. To the east of the region Olomoucký kraj echo fertile lowlands in Haná. The largest river in the region Olomoucký kraj is Morava river. The region Olomoucký kraj is the deepest abyss in Central Europe - Hranická gap (-289 m). Interesting tips for trips in the region Olomoucký kraj are: Zoo Olomouc, Priessnitz spa Jeseník, castle Bouzov, Hanácké museum Příkazy, Velké Losiny and more.
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